Request to cancel order
- Canceled orders will only be processed during standard business hours (9am-4pm EST) and cannot be processed on federal holidays (or other widely recognized holidays).
- There is no fee to cancel your order unless your product has shipped.
- Tracking numbers can take up to 48-business hours (or more) to be produced. This means your order may have already shipped even if tracking information has not been provided or populated via the shipping company tracking system.
- If it is determined your order is in-transit or scheduled for shipment, you are responsible to cover all costs associated with the canceled order. This includes but not limited to: shipping cost, re-consignment fees, re-stocking fee, credit/payment transaction fee.
- Once your order has been officially canceled, you will receive an email confirming all details related to the cancelation.
- Additional terms & conditional apply found on shipping, return & cancellation page.